September 20, 2024

Speedy Moves for Fast Results: Running Workout Routines

Running Workout Routines

Change is A Good Thing When it Comes to Running

Getting the energy to get outside and run is always a good challenge, but how GOOD does it feel after your run right?  That energized fresh feeling you get is pretty insurmountable and hence why it’s called a runner’s high as well.

Now let’s go with that and focus on changing things up with speedy moves that will get you progressing and improving (whether you’re running for weight loss or overall health and fitness). Sticking with that running routine is only going to give you average results, and who the heck wants average results?

Adding variety to your running workout routines is also helpful if your goal involves a marathon or race of some kind. By changing things up, you’ll better prepare your body and increase your overall endurance.

Motivation tip: if you’re finding your motivation is lacking on a day when things are just zapping your energy definitely check out my article – Instant Motivation: Best 5 Pre-Workout Drinks.

Let’s look at 5 different running workout routines…

Beach or Trail Run – This is really great way to change things up. Using the added resistance of sand or gravel will get all your stabilizer muscles/aka core muscles/aka abs & butt to kick into place. But doing this once or twice a week, you’ll break your body’s expectations and notice huge improvements in your agility and toning those core muscles.

Hills Routine – If you’re more interested in improving your strength, then a hills routine is just what you’re looking for. Running on an incline requires greater muscle contraction and produces more resistance for your leg muscles, almost as if you were using the leg press machine at the gym. The variable slopes will also improve your cardiovascular health. If you’re a beginner, take it easy at first, as this one can quickly drain your energy.

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