September 19, 2024

Slim Down & Tone Up – Total Body Toning Workout

Total Body Toning Workout

Your Slim Down Plan of Attack

No matter where you’re at right now, it’s time to take your fitness routine to the next level. After all, real progress requires that you keep trying new things!

And what better way to challenge yourself than a killer new total body toning workout?

This workout is ideal no matter your fitness goals. Whether you’re trying to tone up, firm up, or build muscle, this workout will challenge your body in just the right way. It’s a total body workout that combines both interval training and weight lifting. At the very least, it’s guaranteed to energize your day and jumpstart your metabolism, factors that are essential to fitness success.

Before I get to the workout, I want you to also consider the role of motivation in your own fitness routine. Motivation is really half the battle, so take a minute to review my Workout Motivation Tips. If you can figure out what works for you, you’ll be able to take on your goals in a serious way.

I also want you to think seriously about your diet. What you do at the gym is important, but you’re going to have to work twice as hard for the same results without a healthy diet. What you put in your body is just as important as what you do to your body. If you’re looking for a change, I recommend trying my Paleo Diet for Athletes here. Not only will it support fat loss, it’s also exactly what you need to build lean muscle mass.

Now let’s get to my killer new total body toning workout…

Tone Up with this Killer Total Body Workout!

This total body workout takes about 40 minutes in total to complete. It involves a little cardio, some interval training, and a lot of resistance training. The idea behind this workout is to keep you moving constantly, so you maximize your fat loss while boosting your muscle gains.

Ready for this? For each set, I want you to perform 10-12 repetitions unless otherwise indicated. Rest for no more than 20-30 seconds between sets.

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