September 20, 2024

No Equipment Cardio Workout

No Equipment Cardio Workout

No Equipment Cardio Workout

Whether you’re looking for something new or just short on time, this equipment-free cardio workout is the perfect solution.

Typical cardio exercise may be a little out of fashion these days, but I’m still a big supporter of moving your body and working up a serious sweat. Mixing things up and incorporating body weight cardio exercises is definitely helpful, but either way you approach it, if you get intense, you’ll see results.

This no equipment cardio workout can literally be done anywhere – home or gym, indoors or outdoors. You can definitely add equipment if you have it around, but using your body weight and some high-intensity movements, you’ll work up a sweat in no time.

More importantly, you’ll burn a ton of calories and fat, while also conditioning your muscles. Let’s get to the workout…

Equipment Free Cardio Workout

Perform 3 circuits of the following exercises, in order. That means doing 1 set of each without resting in between, then taking a 2-minute rest before running through it twice more. If you have the time, add a fourth circuit.

1. Squat and Plank – Start in a plank position and hold there for 3 counts. Then in one single movement, jump and pull your feet forward so that your feet land just behind your palms (to the outside of your arms). As you land, lower immediately into a deep squat position, then lift your buttocks slightly as you kick your legs back to starting position. Repeat, completing 10-12 reps in total.

2. March in Place – Stand with your feet at shoulder width. Bring one knee up towards your torso as high as you can get it, allowing your knee to bend and your foot to hang towards the floor. Hold it there for 2 counts before lowering it to starting position. Then lift the opposite knee, continuing in this way as you alternate between legs. You’ve got to really put some effort into this one and lift your knee as high as possible. Perform 12-15 reps per side.

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