September 20, 2024

Blast Fat Fast: 15 Minute Cardio Fat Blaster

15 Minute Cardio Fat Blaster

Shake Your Plateau & Get Lean

If you’re in a rut with your current program and not seeing much results when it comes to getting lean muscle it’s time for a serious shake-up with this super intense time-saving workout that you can do anywhere.

This one is also good for those of you who feel that you can’t keep committed to your workout plan and end up passing day by day because life gets in the way.

Although it’s important to get in a full solid workout whenever possible, that doesn’t mean that short workouts squeezed into a busy day aren’t still useful. Remember, even a few minutes of intense movement and physical activity raises your metabolism, and that means extra calories and fat burned for hours after you stop the activity.

So for all those busy days, or for those of you who need to shake things up here’s a highly effective 15 minute fat burning cardio workout.

15 Minute Fat Blasting Cardio Workout

You’re going to run through each of these exercises in order, resting for no more than 10 seconds in between sets. Perform the entire cardio circuit twice, and three times if you find a little extra time.

All of these exercises can be done at the gym, at home, or outdoors. If you’re not at the gym, find another object to use in place of weights (where applicable), or just rely on your body weight for resistance. Either way, get moving!

Here’s the routine…

  • 1 minute of jumping jacks
  • 1 minute of step ups (on bench or step) (view exercise)
  • 1 minute of lateral lunges (view exercise)
  • 30 seconds of squats holding medicine ball (view exercise)
  • 30 seconds of ab crunches (view exercise)
  • 30 seconds of one-legged hip lifts (view exercise)
  • 30 seconds of superman (view exercise)
  • 30 seconds of knee tucks (on bench or step) (view exercise)
  • 30 seconds of woodchoppers (view exercise)
  • Rest for 30 seconds and repeat circuit

Remember, if you have a little more than 15 minutes, try to get through 3 circuits! But even in just 2 circuits, you’ll blast a ton of fat and calories!

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