September 20, 2024

9 Total-Body Moves to Tone Your Arms, Abs, & Butt

9 Total-Body Moves to Tone Your Arms, Abs, & Butt

Get Total-Body Fit in One Workout

You’re in for a treat with this new total-body workout, that will help you focus on 3 of the biggest problem areas most of us have a challenge with toning—the arms, abs, and butt. You’ve probably already tried a number of different exercises but doing these ones in conjunction will definitely put a smile on your face when you look in the mirror in a few weeks time!

All you need is 30 minutes for this workout. Use it a as a bonus routine on the weekend, or throw it into your weekly workout program.

Ready to get seriously toned?

The Arms/Abs/Butt Total-Body Workout

Run through the following exercises in this order. Spend no more than 30 seconds between sets. Also aim for maximum rep output, so that you’re reaching muscle fatigue at the end of each set.

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