September 20, 2024

4 Week Plan to Getting Ripped: Cut Right Through the Bull

4 Week Plan to Getting Ripped

Time to Rip It Up!

Way easier said than done, but now, and I mean right now, is the perfect time to seriously re-evaluate your fitness plan. Even if you started up again at the beginning of the year, I want you to truly ask yourself if what you’re doing right now is feeling right?

Is what you are doing providing some results, even if it’s something to nip on?  If what you’re doing is not entirely satisfying then it’s time to ask yourself what can you change to put you on a better path?  Well that exact answer is my intention with this article.

The first thing you’ll want to look at is your diet plan.  Is it full of raw natural foods, or are there a lot of items that come out of a can/box/container?  If this leaves you feeling a bit hopeless, don’t freak out.  I have tons of great advice in this blog to help you out, but I’ve also done all the heavy lifting for you and created this awesome clean eating meal plan broken down daily into a weekly program.  It’ll help you cut the fat and still feel satisfied with what you’re eating, and it’ll also to help you carve that midsection, check it out here – Sexy Flat Abs Meal Plan. Do it now as I have a time limited Promo Code “3030” for you to get an additional 30% off the full package.  I’ll also offer a full money back guarantee so if you don’t get the results you want then you’ll have nothing to lose but that pesky belly fat.

Sexy Flat Abs Meal Plan

Now that you’re in a clean eating head-space, write down that grocery list and be prepared to fuel your body with the best of the best foods.

Without further adieu, let’s jump into your workout routine…

4 Week Fitness Plan to Get Seriously Ripped

I’m keeping things pretty simple with this 4 week plan, but hopefully this approach will really change things up for you and take you one step further than that same old routine.

This 4 week plan involves only 2 workouts that you’re going to alternate. At minimum, I want you hitting the gym 3 days a week. So Week 1 might include alternating circuits of Workout A, Workout B, and Workout A, with the following week running through Workout B, Workout A, and Workout B. But if you’re feeling up to it, definitely go for 4 workouts a week.

Both workouts target different muscle groups, but all exercises are focused on increasing lean muscle mass and boosting your metabolism in the process. In combination, these 2 factors will get you looking toned and ripped in no time!

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