September 19, 2024

20 Minute Fat Loss Treadmill Workout

20 Minute Fat Loss Treadmill Workout

Your World is Going to Change with this Workout

Need a new fat-burning routine but not ready to give up the treadmill? Here’s a 20 minute fat loss workout that is going to change your world and put a huge smile on your face because the results will be enough to get your ex wishing he wasn’t an ex!

Before we get to the workout, let’s be clear on this whole cardio thing.

Cardio training is of a lot of controversy and always has been. There’s no question that it’s great for burning fat, but as a long-term weight management strategy it just doesn’t stick for over 90% of the people who jump on the running bandwagon on and off.

The biggest challenge includes just getting bored of it, but weather and injuries are definitely other shall we say obstacles (excuses) that get in the way!

Your body also has an incredible ability to adapt to running even long distances and if your nutrition plan is not on the right path then chances are that you’ve seen running have less of an impact on keeping off the extra fat around your midsection.

So what’s the trick?

The way to get cardio right is to keep it intense, and keep it changing. With these principles in mind, the treadmill can be a really useful tool, whether you’re trying to lose a lot of weight or just tone up.

This is where High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short, really comes in handy. The basic idea is to alternate between intervals of high and low intensity. This kind of variable exercise offers a unique kind of challenge, working your muscles and boosting your metabolism in totally different ways. When it comes to body fat, you can learn more in my article on High Intensity Training & Body Fat.

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