September 19, 2024

10-Minute Total Body Workout in Just 3 Moves

10-Minute Total Body Workout in Just 3 Moves

A Quick but Effective Routine to Give You a Boost

Only got 10 minutes? I’ve devised a killer little workout routine you can do pretty much anywhere in under 10 minutes. And it’s only 3 simple (but effective) moves.

Let’s face it. No matter what you do with your day, your time is valuable. This routine is a great time saver, but I’m not suggesting you cut back on the time you dedicate to working out. It’s just the opposite really – the more time you dedicate towards your temple of a body, the more the chances are that you will reap the rewards.

But there may be days when your time is cut short unexpectedly. Maybe it’s family interrupting, work cutting your evenings short or you just felt like you needed to catch up with errands – the good news is this 10-minute workout can give your fitness a pretty serious boost.

Plus It Boosts Your Metabolism…

Not only will you feel some pretty decent toning results from this routine, but your metabolism will also get a serious boost. All 3 moves I’ve included here are total body exercises, so they incorporate a number of muscle groups.

By exercising more than one muscle group at a time, you’ll boost your body’s ability to burn fat faster – and get more out of your 10 minutes.

Ready for a boost?

The 10-Minute 3×3 Total Body Routine

I’m calling this a 3×3 routine because you’re going to knock out 3 sets of each move. Because you only have 10 minutes, there’s no time for rest, and you’ll do a better job at boosting your metabolism and toning your muscles without the break.

Some basic equipment will help you get the most out of these 3 moves, but it’s nothing you can’t keep at home. Check out the end of the workout for some recommendations on home workout gear.

Now for the workout…

Before the routine, try to fit in 3 to 5 minutes of a warm-up. You can do jump rope, jumping jacks, or even sprints to get your body ready for these moves.

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