September 20, 2024

The 9 most threatening woman health corners

1, hands

A recent study found in USA, 94% of respondents said they always wash their hands after using the toilet, but according to the actual observation outside the public toilet, only 68% of people follow the “wash hands” instructions. Dirty hands is the most cause of the food related illnesses.


2, office telephone

A telephone handset may contain 2000 different types of bacteria, but most are harmless. If a person with a cold use the phone before, when you use telephone, lips contacts the phone, or wipe the mouth or eyes using the picked phone hand, it is likely to be infectious.


3, the toothbrush

Do not borrow someone else’s toothbrush, even very close friends or family. The British Dental Association says, bacteria and viruses will remain in the mouth toothbrush, such as the A eruption and thrush virus in the toothbrush survived two days, even dry toothbrush.


4, pen

According to the study on oral ulcer drug maker Rinstead, in addition to writing, there are four usage for pen is: chew, scratch the back or foot itch, stir Coffee or tea, pass the trough. So when you want to put it into your mouth, please think carefully. And don’t borrow the doctor’s pen any more, according to the research of Austria University of Salzburg, from patients to the doctor’s hand, and then to the doctor’s pen, so the doctor pen is contaminated by many different types of bacteria and virus, including urinary tract infections and small pus A eruption (impetigo) skin disease.


5, public shower room

The public shower room, swimming pool in gym is the best place for infectious athlete’s foot, because of the wet and warm environment, so it is best to bring your private slippers.


6, the toilet seat

In the public toilet seat, you don’t need to worry about STDs and AIDS, but it could make the stomach infection. Most of the gastrointestinal pathogen is transmitted via the fecal based some study, and more than 60% of the toilet seat is polluted by fecal.

So if you contact with the toilet seat, and do not wash hands before eating, you may imperceptibly eat the bacteria from the toilet seat.

Sometimes we would wipe the toilet seat with paper, but it may lead bacteria to spread.


7, the chopping block

Any bacteria in the food are likely to sneak into the chopping block during the food preparation time, such as the salmonella in meat, eggs, unwashed vegetable and dairy products.

A common route of infection is raw and cooked food cross contamination, so it is best to use different knives and chopping boards for handling raw meat, cooked food, Vegetable and Fruit, or to use the hot water and detergent to wash the knife and chopping board between the treatment of different kinds of food, and of course, it is also necessary to wash your hands.


8, the airplane

Many people catch a cold in the plane, and there are two pulmonary tuberculosis cases in British recently. After tracking, these two people are found to be infected on the flight to New York.

Long range aircraft have a cost saving method that is the cabin air circulation. It means that your 15 hours breathing air is the common exhaled air from about 300 passengers.

Although the civil aviation units regulation needs the fresh air inside the cabin of the proportion should not be less than 50%, but very few people actually inspection. Confined space, repeated use of air, let bacteria and viruses floating around, plus the air is so dry, dry nasal cavity is a really hotbed for bacteria.

If you need to fly, you only thing your can do is to add some vitamins before the flight to enhance the immunity.


9, the mattress

The mattress microbes will affect your health, not bacteria or viruses, but dust mites, they can cause allergic rhinitis and asthma. According to the British National bedding Association report, dust mites parasitic in the human skin, each year a person shed skin crumbs several pounds, most of it fell on the bed, and at the same time, there are 45 gallons water loss during our sleep every year, resulting in a humid and warm environment for dust mite reproduction.


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