September 19, 2024

Do penis enlargement methods work?

Marketers claim that extenders, vacuum devices, pills, and lotions can increase penis size. But do penis enlargement methods work?

Penis size is a common source of anxiety. This has fueled a multimillion-dollar penis enlargement, or male enhancement, industry.

This article will look at the effectiveness and side effects of penis enlargement methods. It will also discuss average penis length and girth, and when a person may wish to see their doctor.

Can a person increase the size of their penis?

Penis size is a common source of anxiety.

Most people who consider penis enlargement treatments have normal-sized penises, meaning that they are adequately sized for sexual activity and urination.

Manufacturers claim that products, including pills, creams, and stretching devices, can increase penis size. Some people also consider surgery.

However, the Urology Care Foundation points out that nearly none of these methods work.

We look at the evidence for various penis enlargement methods below:

Traction devices

Traction devices aim to increase the length of the penis by stretching the penile tissue. A person places a weight or small extending frame on the flaccid penis to gently lengthen it.

According to a scientific review from 2010, penile extenders are the only evidence-based technique for lengthening, and the results may not be inferior to penile surgery.

Several studies have investigated the effects of traction devices, with varying results. Some results suggest that the devices can lengthen the penis by as much as 1–3 centimeters (cm).

In most of these trials, participants wore the devices for between 4 and 6 hours a day. In one, they wore the devices for 9 hours a day.

Researchers are also investigating whether using traction devices before or after penile surgery could improve outcomes.

The evidence concerning traction devices is, however, limited. Determining their safety and effectiveness will require more research, and the Urology Care Foundation currently does not support their use.

Vacuum devices

A vacuum device contains a tube that fits over the penis. Pumping out air creates a vacuum that draws blood into the penis, causing it to swell.

People usually use vacuum devices to treat impotence, or erectile dysfunction. No strong scientific evidence suggests that they can increase penis size.

Pills and lotions

Many different pills and creams promise to increase penis size. They tend to contain various vitamins, minerals, herbs, or hormones.

There is no strong scientific evidence that any can affect the size of the penis.

Penis surgery

There are two main types of penis enlargement surgery.

Penile augmentation involves injecting fat cells into the penis. The aim is to increase girth, or width, as well as length, in some cases

The procedure carries risks. Side effects may include swelling and distortion of the penis. If a side effect is severe, the penis may require removal.

Another method of penile augmentation involves grafting fat cells from elsewhere in the body onto the penis. This is less invasive and can add an average of 2.39–2.65 cm after 12 months.

However, the organ can lose 20–80 percent of the new volume within 1 year of surgery, so people may need multiple surgeries to achieve the desired result.

The second main type of surgery is suspensory ligament release. This ligament anchors the penis to the pubic area and provides support during an erection. If a surgeon cuts the ligament, this changes the angle of the penis, which can make it look longer.

On average, suspensory ligament release can increase flaccid penis length by between 1–3 cm, but patient and partner satisfaction rates tend to be low. The lack of support during an erection can make penetration difficult.

Like the Urology Care Foundation, the American Urological Association state that penile augmentation surgery is neither safe nor effective.

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