September 20, 2024

Top 10 Workout Supplements for Women

Top 10 Workout Supplements for Women

Nutrition & Supplements for Women

Updated January 10, 2016
You’re either having problems with motivation or you’re noticing that your weight is actually going up when you get in the gym, so perhaps supplements may help you reach your efforts better? With that question in mind, one of your concerns is that supplements are not safe and can lead to future health problems, but is this really the case?

Well the answer is – not necessarily, it really depends on what supplements you choose to take. Sure some diet pills are actually quite intense and if you combine that with a not-so-healthy diet then you are setting yourself up for serious health complications. That is where this article comes into play. It’s sole purpose is to help you make an informed and educated decision on what you put into your body.

Now before I get into these top 10 workout supplements I will give you some serious advice to consider and you really should take it to heart. Are you having a balanced and healthy diet for at least 5-6 days of the week? Or are you rushing through and just getting by and substituting processed cereals as meals?

I’ve provided hundreds of really healthy and tasty breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes in the Nutrition Tips section of this website so make sure to review that and PLAN in advance! Planning in advance is your greatest weapon against fat loss.

Ok, so I’ve stressed the diet thing enough already right? You want to know more about these supplements and how they can benefit you so I’ll give you a quick rundown and include links for the best prices you can get on them (I’ll provide some transparency here and mention the we appreciate your support for this website by purchasing through our affiliate for these high quality supplements.)

Top 10 Workout Supplements for Women

1. Protein Powder: You might think that this is only supposed to be for the guys, but get that out of your mind. I have my mom taking protein smoothies in the morning and she is amazed at how much benefit she is getting from it. It helps her fight cravings for unhealthy foods, keeps her energized for her workouts, and also has helped her lose considerable tummy fat.

The top selling protein powder in the industry which is getting a lot of attention because it is free of artificial sweetners (which almost all protein powders have) is Optimum 100% Natural Whey which I also have in my kitchen. The vanilla flavour is great for mixing with fruit at anytime of the day for a healthy snack and I even got some for my mom and sister who have seen great results in losing a few inches in their midsection. If you’re especially sensitive to lactose it is also completely lactose free and great for those of you who are on low carb/low fat diets. Here is the link – Optimum 100% Natural Whey. For those of you who want a protein powder that is vegetarian (or vegan) then I would highly recommend a new leader in the natural health space: Gardenia All Natural Vegan Protein which includes protein from peas and quinoa, just awesome!

2. Multi Vitamins for Women: If you have a healthy diet full of veggies, fruits, lean meats and beans then chances are you are probably getting most of your required minerals and vitamins. But the thing is that if you’re working out then your body has a greater requirement for these to help recover after strenuous workouts. I think it’s a safe bet to make sure you get all the required vitamins and minerals by taking a daily supplement which is specifically designed for women.
The same great brand as the whey protein above by the name of Optimum has created a very affordable multi-vitamin especially for women and includes Iron and heart healthy antioxidants. Here is the link – Optimum Opti-Women

3. Creatine: Creatine is a natural supplement that is hands down one of the most effective in creating strong muscle. There has been more research on this one supplement probably more than any other I have seen and even Olympic level athletes are taking it. It’s naturally found in meat, but having enough to help us in our workouts is pretty challenging unless you are eating tons of meat, so the supplement really makes sense. The way creatine works is pretty simple, it just helps our bodies store and use more energy especially in intense situations, in other words helps you get in one or two last repetitions.

One note to mention, creatine does cause a little water retention but that water actually helps with the transport of nutrients to our muscles. These effects are temporary and when you take time off from creatine you will notice some serious weight loss and your muscles showing through with amazing definition and tone. Lucky for you there is one brand that actually has a women’s formula. Here is the link – Kre-a-fem.

4. Pre-workout energy drink – If motivation is even slightly a problem for you then a pre-workout energy drink is a pretty great solution to giving you the boost you need. But most of these are again designed for men looking to pack on lots of muscle, so what about women? Well the good news is that there is a relatively new kid on the block that is a favorite for women including green tea extract and essential amino acids to help build lean muscle – Essential Amino Energy.

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