September 19, 2024

Jacinda Ardern to put all New Zealanders who test positive for coronavirus into quarantine camps

Image: Jacinda Ardern to put all New Zealanders who test positive for coronavirus into quarantine camps

The final endgame to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic is finally coming into view, with New Zealand serving as the blueprint for what will presumably and inevitably happen everywhere else, including in the United States, if We the People fail to stand up against it.

As part of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s totalitarian plans for the total enslavement of New Zealand, mandatory quarantine camps are reportedly being set up all across the country to house people who supposedly test positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

According to reports, New Zealanders admitted to these camps will be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Their every move will be tracked, and “health staff” will reportedly be present “at all times” to “look after people.”

In an announcement, New Zealand’s Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield explained that these so-called quarantine facilities represent a major departure from what health officials were doing in the country at its last level-three reopening phase.

At that time, New Zealanders suspected or confirmed of having the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) were simply told to stay home and self-isolate. Now, they are being forcibly admitted to Ardern’s concentration camps, where they will have to stay until “cleared” for reentry back into society.

“[It] shows how serious we are about limiting any risk of ongoing transmission – even in self-isolation and including to others in the household,” Dr. Bloomfield explains.

“A reminder, these facilities have been set up specifically and have excellent processes and resources in place to look after people with COVID-19, including health staff on site at all times,” he added. “It will help us avoid any further inadvertent spread into the community as part of our overall response.”

Don’t want to get tested? Then you’ll have to remain in the concentration camp even longer

By the sound of it, all New Zealanders can be put into one of Ardern’s concentration camps at will, even if they are merely suspected of having the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And those who refuse testing while inside a government facility will have to stay there longer than everybody else, according to Ardern.

“We are quarantining everyone,” Mrs. Ed, as many are now calling her, is quoted as saying in a video livestream. “Now we are also mandating testing. That makes us the most stringent in the world. There are countries that are requiring self-isolation; we’re taking it a bit further,” she added, quite proud of herself.

As disturbing as this is, it gets even worse. While inside an Ardern concentration camp, prisoners will only be allowed outside of their jail cells for “a little bit of fresh air” with permission and supervision. At no point will concentration camp prisoners be allowed to roam about on their own, Ardern says.

“We have put in millions of dollars into supporting that to happen,” she stated, using horrible grammar.

When asked about what will happen if people inside her concentration camps refuse testing, Ardern indicated that they will be punished by having to stay inside of them at least twice as long as those who agree to get tested.

“I have a number of questions about people refusing – what do we do if someone refuses to be tested. Well they can’t now,” she chirped. “If someone refuses in our facilities to be tested, they have to keep staying. So they won’t be allowed to leave after 14 days. They have to stay on for another 14 days.

Meanwhile in Canada, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe announced around the same time that mandatory mass testing for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is completely useless, and will not “actually achieve anything.”

For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic, be sure to check out

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