September 19, 2024

Running Room and Weight Watchers: “Walktivity”

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Running Room and Weight Watchers: “Walktivity”
Weight loss tips
Image by ianhun2009

April 10, 2013 – a message from the Running Room:

Running Room is very excited to be partnering with Weight Watchers to encourage people to get more active this Spring! Weight Watchers’ new 360 Program applies a holistic approach to managing your health, recognizing the importance of balancing proper nutrition with physical activity. Because of that, Weight Watchers and the Running Room hve opened their communities to one another, exchanging expertise and support with the introduction of "walktivity."

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Walking is an easy way to get active, have fun and reach your goals. Weight Watchers has partnered with Running Room to bring you walktivity, an exciting initiative which will give you the tools you need to get you on your feet, get you active and help you reach your activity goals. We know it’s hard to get started with a new activity – but walking is a great way to get going and we are here to support you every step of the way!

Running Room provides expert fitness advice and a supportive walking community to make the process of starting activity that much easier. They can help you select the correct footwear for your walking style, they host free walking clubs every Sunday and Wednesday, and offer great tips to keep you motivated.

Regular physical activity is one of the best predictors of weight‐loss maintenance.1 For more details on how you can walk your way to your fitness goals with free walking clubs visit

Here is a short video on You Tube


chocolate chip polka dots
Weight loss tips
Image by digiyesica
Vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a cup of ginger tea. Recipe from Veganomicon.

Photo blogged on:
Blossoming Lotus, PDX: Vegetarian Weight Loss – 8 Tips for Easy Vegetarian Transition thanks! ?
Recipes Loss Fast Weight
The Chocolistas

Beauty Parade Magazine (June 1946) …item 1.. ‘Tis the season for full-blown stress — Connect with nature. It’s absolutely necessary (November 16, 2011) …item 2.. FSU News – Make sure to celebrate the holidays the right way (12:29 AM, Dec. 13, 2012
Weight loss tips
Image by marsmet524
“Accept that everyone’s family is dysfunctional in some way, shape or form and that you’re not going to change it," Ferretti said. "So it’s not your job to get in there and fix the conflict between your brother and your sister, whoever it might be.”

…….***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ……
….item 1)…. Florida … ….. ‘Tis the season for full-blown stress
Moderation, balance is key to your well-being

12:35 PM, Nov. 16, 2011

img code photo…’Tis the season for full-blown stress…



Written by
Chris Kridler | For FLORIDA TODAY


A typical day during the holidays tends to be anything but typical: disrupted sleep, frantic shopping, stretched funds, extended time with dysfunctional families, and parties laden with fatty foods and alcohol.

The result: more stress.

A 2008 poll by the American Psychological Association showed that eight of 10 Americans expected to experience holiday stress, and a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll last year found that 44 percent expected more stress because of economic conditions, an increase over the year before.

“People get out of their routines over the holidays,” said Tony Ferretti, a Melbourne psychologist whose specialty is relationship counseling. “So they’re not exercising like they used to.

They’re eating everything in sight. They’re drinking too much. They’re not sleeping normal hours. So they’re vulnerable to being stressed out.”

Some people feel pressured to create a perfect holiday experience. Others are reminded of lost loved ones. And unresolved family issues tend to fray the edges of inevitable holiday gatherings.

“Accept that everyone’s family is dysfunctional in some way, shape or form and that you’re not going to change it," Ferretti said. "So it’s not your job to get in there and fix the conflict between your brother and your sister, whoever it might be.”

Set boundaries and allow yourself time to get away, whether it’s a walk around the neighborhood, an outing with your spouse or a nap behind closed doors, he suggests. Holidays may not be the best time to work out family conflicts.

“Maybe sometime in January, you might want to have that conversation, or you might want to write that letter,” he says. “I think letters can be very powerful, even if you don’t send it.”

Forgive transgressors and move on, he said.

With a partner or spouse, share traditions and minimize conflict, Ferretti suggested.

“It’s a stressful time when you’re deciding how much money to spend and finances are tight,” he says. “It’s all about working together as a team and compromising.”

Physical effects
Ferretti and others advocate exercise to deal with stress, which manifests itself physically as well as mentally.

Stress busters

Here are some of Melbourne psychologist Tony Ferretti’s tips for coping with holiday stress. “The past is history, the future a mystery, the present a gift,” he says.
Maintain your schedule.
Manage your time.
Get enough rest.
Avoid negative habits.
Live in the here and now.
Say no when you need to.
Seek the support of family and friends.
Have realistic expectations.


Contact Chris Kridler via at [email protected]
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“A lot of us tend to take our stress right in the chest,” says Viera Wellness’ Demetri Kitsopoulos, a massage therapist and wellness consultant. “So with tight chest muscles combined with work ergonomics — we’re slumped over in front of computers in offices — we’re already predisposed to being tight here.”

Stretching is important, he said. Deep breathing, along with meditation or prayer, can help calm the mind. And walking and other exercise can help, too.

“You can’t insult Grandmother by not indulging in whatever she made … we indulge a little bit,” Kitsopoulos said. “But the need to rush back to the gym is also a bit premature. Take it slow and steady, especially with all the drama of the holidays.”

The therapeutic massages he gives to Dr. Edward Mallory, an emergency-room physician at Wuesthoff Medical Center-Rockledge, help the doctor deal with an intensely stressful job and resulting discomfort in his shoulders and back.

“I just feel that a lot of stress has been relieved, because I had an hour with him, and he’s very good,” Mallory said.

He exercises a lot, enjoys time with his kids in Tampa on days off, and spends a few minutes in contemplation after coming home to his beachfront condo after the night shift.

“I also will just sit out on the balcony and listen to the water,” Mallory said.

It’s important to get out of the fluorescent lights of the office and the shopping malls, Kitsopoulos said.

“Connect with nature. It’s absolutely necessary.”

To reduce anxiety, he also recommends clearing clutter and organizing your space before gift-giving time and arriving 30 minutes early for engagements.

Tasty temptations
Food is a holiday pleasure, but it can become a stress monster, whether people don’t eat well or eat too much.

The temptations of holiday treats can lead to overeating, said nutritionist Kristine Van Workum of Brevard Nutrition in Indialantic. Or people gorge themselves after not eating enough.

“People get so involved with everything that’s going on, or they tend to caretake for other people, or want to cook for everything … they end up going too long without eating,” said Van Workum, president of the Space Coast Dietetic Association.

Contact Chris Kridler via at [email protected]

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Planning helps, as well as making it a priority to eat regular, balanced meals — every three to five hours for most people. Try drinking water if you want to snack; you may just be thirsty.

She works with clients to help them identify whether they are engaged in emotional eating — when the body isn’t hungry — from stress, boredom, fatigue, sadness or happiness.

“Think of meals as at least three different food groups,” she said.

Cookies, by the way, are not a food group. But if you want to snack, balance the cookie with a glass of low-fat milk or a piece of fruit, she said.

While cooking holiday meals or baking, look for low-fat ingredients, such as applesauce or Greek yogurt, as alternatives, she suggested. She regularly shares such recipes on Brevard Nutrition’s Facebook page.

“Don’t deprive yourself,” Van Workum said. “If your goal is to lose weight, you might want to adapt your goal and just work on maintaining your weight during the holidays.”

Giving thanks
Remember the things that are important, Kitsopoulos recommends.

He knows something about stress. Before he became a massage therapist, he left a high-pressure job in movie visual effects after a health scare.

He’s learned to live in the present, let the past go and be thankful.

“In a time when we are labeled as consumers, we should actually be grateful for what we’ve got,” he said. “Especially in this economy, people are freaking out about job loss and what they don’t have. What you do have is your health, and if you’re sharing that with friends and family, whether you like them or not,” he chuckled, “you’re still sharing an experience that a lot of people don’t have, so it’s something to be

grateful for that.”

Contact Chris Kridler via at [email protected]
…..item 2)…. Make sure to celebrate the holidays the right way … FSU News …

There is more to the season than giving presents and excessive eating
12:29 AM, Dec. 13, 2012 |

Written by
Carolina Gonzalez
Staff Writer

FSU News
FSU News Views…|newswell|text|frontpage|p

According to any shopping store, the holidays begin as early as November. Thanksgiving decorations are already going on sale before the turkey is out of the oven. Thursday should be thrown in the Black Friday mix since apparently the event begins the night before the actual day. By the first week of December, Santa is already getting suited up for his photoshoot with thousands of children.

Each year this whole situation tends to be getting more extreme—then comes the moment when the youngest family member comes to the realization that Mr. Claus is not real. Mom and dad no longer have to hide the presents, take a bite of the cookies or leave out food for Santa’s reindeers. When things couldn’t get worse, your mom hands you the list of family members you have to get gifts for because she is running out of time. This is what we come home to after a grueling week of finals and papers.

This is the moment when I think to myself, “What happened to the joys of the holidays?” At this point, the only thing that could lift my spirits is Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” on repeat.

So how does one avoid the holiday blues under these circumstances? My first thought is to throw a dramatic tantrum and boycott anything holiday-oriented. That changed when I remembered all the food I will be missing out on. So, I figured the best way to go about this is to go back to the basics.

The holidays are about enjoying the company of our friends and family and celebrating the end to another wonderful year. Even though some artists, who will remain nameless, butcher the classic holiday songs, everyone always enjoys listening to holiday music. Making a CD of your favorite holiday music is always a good item to have and give to friends. That list of gifts your mom gave you can be easily taken care of without the stress of entering the mall.

Instead of buying someone another pair of slippers or a beach bag, opt for something more personal like photographs. Grandparents especially love photographs of their grandchildren so they can show off to all of their friends. For the young family members, hiding elves around the house is entertaining and time consuming. Once your mom’s to-do list is taken care of, it is time to get into the real reason for the season—the holidays are a perfect opportunity to give back to the community.

There are endless charities and organizations that distribute toys and meals to families who are struggling to afford one gift for their child. Seeing those kid’s faces when they see Santa with a gift in his hands erases your memory of the trips to the mall, the rolled eyes and the frustration of the holidays.

The holidays should not be about the amount of inflatables we can stick on our lawns or the height of our trees. At the end of the day, after all of the perfectly wrapped gifts are ripped apart, the love in the room is the best gift of all.

Jogging around the reservoir #1
Weight loss tips
Image by Ed Yourdon
View On Black

Central Park, south end – 004

Between roughly 86th Street and 90th Street, the inner-loop roadway runs parallel to one side of the Central Park reservoir; and just to the east of the roadway is a bridle path, where you’ll occasionally encounter New Yorkers determined to ride their horses … so, when walking along the bridle path, looking east (with Fifth Avenue and the Upper East Side in the background), you frequently see scenes like this one, as joggers go hurtling past…

Note: this photo was published in a Nov 24, 2008 blog titled "The Secret to Long-Term Weight Loss." It was also published in a Dec 2, 2009 blog titled "Partecipa alla prima geekrun." It was also published in a Nov 28, 2010 Weight Loss Helps blog titled "Q&A: READ: This is the new fashion statement!?"

The photo was also published in a Jan 7, 2011 blog titled "Best Weight Loss Secrets – Lose Weight Happily by Eating Delicious Foods." And it was published in a Jan 19, 2011 blog titled "Exciting Online Weight-Loss Help." It was also published in a Feb 4, 2011 Child Lose Weight blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. And it published in a Mar 22, 2011 blog titled "Couch to 5K in Miami." And it was published in a May 8, 2011 blog titled "PEDOMETER FASHION TIPS," as well as an Aug 12, 2011 blog titled "Die Playlist für Ihr perfektes Laufvergnügen." It was also published in a Sep 7, 2011 blog titled "Running and jogging in Vancouver," even though it obviously has nothing to do with Vancouver. And it was published in a Sep 22, 2011 blog titled "Write Now: Writing and Running," and a Sep 23, 2011 blog titled "Running Programs for Any Level." It was also published in a Sep 30, 2011 blog titled "Want To Improve Your Productivity? Workout at Work." And it was published in a Nov 7, 2011 blog titled "Mexican Meals, Finest Picks," as well as a Nov 6, 2011 "777 Sports – Sport Life, Healthy Eating and More" blog titled "Jogging."

Moving into 2012, the photo was published in a Feb 7,2012 blog titled "How can I quit, keep raw meals diet regime to lose weight?" It was also published in a Feb 29, 2012 "MagForWomen" blog titled "7 Tips On How to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks." And it was published in a Mar 3, 2012 blog titled "Conseil pour les indolence," as well as a Mar 7, 2012 blog titled "L1: Exchanging Privacy for Other Perks: Quantified Selfers Get It [Infographic]." It was also published in a May 7, 2012 blog titled "Start Jogging To Lose Weight; Keep It Up To Live Longer." And it was published in a Jun 3, 2012 blog titled "How to Run to Lose Weight Effectively." It was also published in a Jun 6, 2012 Polish blog titled "Średnie prędkości." I have absolutely no idea what any of it means. And it was published in a Jul 23, 2012 bog titled "Keeping Fit Without Becoming Broke." It was also published in an undated (early Aug 2012) National Kidney Foundation blog titled "PREVENTING POST-TRANSPLANT WEIGHT GAIN: KICK-START HEALTHY HABITS THIS SUMMER." It was also published in an Oct 4, 2012 blog titled "Weight Loss Myths Busted Again by Our Bakery Nutrition Expert." And it was published in a Dec 6, 2012 blog titled 5年後も今と同じ体型でいたいなら、はじめよう「iPhoneダイエット at d-dot-hatena-dot-ne-dot-jp/spring_mao/20121206/1354794477

Moving into 2013, the photo was published in a Jan 14, 2013 issue of "The Frugal Mom blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. And it was published in a Jan 15, 2013 blog titled "限界分析の原理 「ちょうど」の考え方その1." It was also published in a Jan 24, 2013 blog titled "Being Skinny is Not a Christian Virtue." And it was published in a Feb 21, 2013 blog titled "Is there a good replacement for Cable Crossovers?"


These pictures were taken during a 3-hour Labor Day stroll through Central Park — starting on the west side of the park at 96th Street, and walking around the south end, and back up the east side to 72nd Street.

It was a warm, sunny day, and there were people everywhere — bicycling, skating, walking, picnicking, sunbathing, frisbee-throwing … and even getting married. It appears that everyone was enjoying themselves, on this final day of the summer season in New York City…

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