September 20, 2024

Get Toned at Home: 30 Minute Workout Plan

30 Minute Workout Plan

30 Minute Workout Plan

A lot of times lately you’ve probably been quite busy trying to manage work, family and social life so throwing in a workout may seem next to impossible. Well, we’re always trying to eliminate excuses and keep our motivation high so how about we look at a killer 30 minute total body workout which will activate all your muscles and have you burning fat for hours after your workout?

Best of all all you need for this workout is a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells (here is a link for some very affordable ones –Dual Grip Medicine Ball/Kettlebell) and a stability ball (here is a link for one under $20 – Xercise Ball Package With DVD And Pump).

Remember you want to go high intensity and have little rest between the sets to really get your heart rate up and get you sweating. Ready for this? Let’s go…

The Workout Routine

We always need a good warm up to get your joints and ligaments ready for the intensity ahead so start off with 5 minutes of jumping rope or doing jumping jacks (alternatively you can do a quick 5 minute jog!).

Ok now with the exercises. We’re going to do a circuit training routine which means 5 exercises one after each other with very little rest between exercises.

Exercise #1: 12 push-ups. You can add any variety to this, hand close together, hands far apart, hands on a swiss ball or even on a stability ball. ( view photo here )

Exercise #2: 15 crunches on a stability ball. Remember to prevent placing strain on your neck by keeping distance between neck and chin the same throughout the movement. ( view photo here )

Exercise #3: 10 reps deadlift with kettlebells (or dumbbells). Keep a natural arch in your back and feet shoulder width apart, lower slowly and use your hips to raise back up. ( view photo here )

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