September 20, 2024

Melt Fat: New Workout Programs for the New Year

Melt Body Fat: New Workout Programs for the New Year

Get That Refreshed Look & Feel Back

You’ve come across one obstacle after another last year, or maybe that’s just how we all like to justify it right?  Well screw it all, this year is the year you’re going to make changes and make them stick like Caitlyn Jenner’s speech at the Glamour Awards a few months ago!

But all the noise aside, any good New Year’s resolution needs a good plan, one that will actually make you feel a little uncomfortable as it pushes and challenges you but has you melting away body fat and leaving you feel like a new refreshed you.

We’re going to look at 3 different workout programs to get you in shape for the New Year. But just before we do that, here are a few tips to guarantee success with your new routines…

New Workout Programs: 3 Tips to Get Started

  • First, it’s important to have a diet plan in place that supports your workout and fitness goals. That’s why if you check out the Nutrition section of this website you will find a ton of amazing recipes to help you do just that, here’s one you’ll love – Healthy Seriously Delicious Recipes for Weight Loss .
  • Second, make sure you track your fitness progress. Writing things down in a fitness journal is a great way to stay motivated. And this Fitlosophy Fitbook can help you do just that.
  • Finally, consider one or more pre-workout mix to boost your energy and help you get more out of your workouts. To help you out, I’ve reviewed my top picks for Instant Motivation: Best 5 Pre-Workout Drinks.

Now if you’re looking for results quickly and want something solid to follow, check out my recently released 30 Day Body Transformation Challenge where I take your hand and walk you through weekly workout routines and meal plans to get your abs, thighs, butt, arms and chest totally toned up.  Do it in now as I have a time-limited Promo Code “3030” for you to get an additional 30% off this full package.  I’ll also offer a full money back guarantee so if you don’t get the results you want then you’ll have nothing to lose but just fat 🙂

30 day Transformation Promo

New Workout Programs for the New Year

For all of these workout programs, aim for the appropriate number of sets and repetitions (reps) based on your own fitness level:

Beginner: 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps
Intermediate: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Advanced: 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps

Workout Program #1 – Total Body Burn

This first workout program requires 3 workout days per week. It’s a total body workout routine to help boost your metabolism and burn fat quickly. Make sure you take one full day of rest between workouts. Ideally, plan this workout on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule.

Total Body Workout (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)

  • Dumbbell Deadlift (view exercise)
  • Dumbbell Squats (view exercise)
  • Lateral Lunge with Dumbbells (view exercise)
  • Dumbbell Chest Press (view exercise)
  • Barbell Bicep Curls (view exercise)
  • Seated Tricep Dumbbell Extension (view exercise)
  • Lat Pulldowns (view exercise)
  • Back Extensions (view exercise)
  • Ab Crunch (view exercise)

Workout Program #2 – Upper/Lower Body Power Split

My second workout program for the new year uses an upper body / lower body split. Perform these 2 workouts back-to-back, take 1 day of rest, and then repeat.

Upper Body Workout (Monday/Thursday)

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