September 20, 2024

Yoga Abs Workout

yoga abs workout

Yoga Abs Workout

If you’re trying to get the sexy, ripped abs of your dreams, you need every strategy at your disposal. After all, getting a six pack is no easy task.

Believe it or not, yoga is one such strategy. Many exercises and poses in yoga make good use of your abdominal and core muscles. Focusing on these exercises can give you a totally new and surprisingly effective ab workout.

And you’ll also improve your balance and flexibility at the same time, which can improve your overall fitness and make your gym workouts that much easier.

This workout is designed to take advantage of some of the best core and ab challenging yoga exercises out there. Add this routine to the mix and I guarantee you’ll see improved results!

The Yoga Abs Workout

This workout incorporates 5 killer ab-focused yoga poses. I recommend engaging in each pose for at least 2 minutes, and running through the routine at least 3 times for optimal results.

1. Boat Pose – Sit on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you. Lean back a few inches, keeping your back straight. Then lift your legs off the floor with your feet at about head height, being sure not to bend your knees. Finally, extend your arms straight in front of you and parallel to the floor. Hold here.

2. Knee Kick – Starting in plank position, lift your right knee up and bring your kneecap forward towards your head, keeping your knee bent and the top of your foot parallel to the floor. Hold here, return to starting position, and repeat with your other leg. Make sure you engage your core each time you squeeze your thigh into your torso.

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