September 20, 2024

Lose Fat with Les Mills


Try a new class with Les Mills and lose fat quick with their three in one workouts

What is it?

With more and more people struggling to squeeze fitness into their schedules these days, global fitness brand Les Mills – the people who brought us BodyPump – has relaunched its BodyVive class with this in mind. The 45-minute class is split into three sections: 15 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of strength work and 15 minutes targeting the core. The cardio section borrows moves and techniques from dance and aerobics, while you can expect lunges, squats and the use of resistance tubes for the strength section. The sets of moves run alongside uplifting and fun tracks, and the time seriously flies by.

What are the benefits?

While 45 minutes is a solid amount of workout time, this class really feels like three mini-workouts, which makes it perfect for the easily bored or time poor among us. And if you thought that 15 minutes for each section wouldn’t be enough to make a difference, think again. The three sections work together to offer an array of benefits: calorie burn, a boost in mood and energy and a serious challenge for the heart and lungs.

‘This class really feels like three mini-workouts – perfect for the easily bored or time poor’- Amanda

How hard is it?

For those who find keeping in rhythm tough, it’s worth noting that a little coordination is required for this class – particularly the aerobics-heavy cardio section. It’s easy to get the hang of, though, and fun regardless. The strength section gets you tackling muscle groups you probably neglect, but it’s over and done with pretty quickly – plus the instructor will never let you quit! There might be a few moments of digging deep (and that’s what get results!), but overall this /is/ a manageable class – ideal for beginners to get to grips with the different aspects of fitness.

Where is it?

BodyVive runs at various gyms and health clubs nationwide. To find your nearest class, head to Prices vary.

Do it yourself

We’re not sure we could ever motivate ourselves the way Tori, our Les Mills instructor, motivated us, but we could certainly give it a go. For the 15 minutes of cardio, try side steps, squats with reaches and knee lifts in time with some fast-paced tunes. For the 15 minutes of strength, do squats, lunges and simple moves with a resistance band, going through a medium-intensity circuit without rest. Finally, for the core section, try alternating holding planks, side planks, v-sits and your other favourite abs moves.

Amanda’s verdict

Les Mills offers such a wide variety of classes, and BodyVive is probably most suited to those who really enjoy a group exercise setting and don’t necessarily go hell-for-leather in their training. There are no weights involved, and the pace is kept at a low to medium intensity throughout. It’s perfect for beginners and busy people who want to hit a multi-dimensional way of working out in one quick session.

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