September 20, 2024

After publishing now-retracted fake science study bashing hydroxychloroquine, discredited science journal The Lancet endorses Joe Biden as “healthy” choice for America

Image: After publishing now-retracted fake science study bashing hydroxychloroquine, discredited science journal The Lancet endorses Joe Biden as “healthy” choice for America

The only legitimate option for the presidency this fall is Joe Biden, according to the far-left Lancet medical journal, which as you may recall was forced to retract a study earlier this year that contained fake science opposing the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

An op-ed prominently featured in the most recent edition of the Lancet – which is based out of the United Kingdom (UK), by the way – explains that, moving forward, Biden is the only “healthy” choice for America, and Americans should definitely vote for him over Donald Trump this fall.

The Lancet‘s British editors claim that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic “has revealed a nation of stark inequity, especially in terms of health,” referring, of course, to the United States. Consequently, Americans need Biden to right the wrongs of the current administration, according to these “experts” from across the pond.

Obamacare, they further insist, serves as a template for the future of health care, which should definitely be run by the government so as to create equality and fairness for all Americans.

“The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) codified a set of ten essential health benefits that insurance plans must provide, including preventive health services, pregnancy and maternity care, and mental health services,” the op-ed contends. “Importantly, the ACA also eliminated pre-existing condition bans.”

Even if Biden wins, the plan is actually to replace him not necessarily with Kamala Harris but with Nancy Pelosi. Listen to The Health Ranger Report below to learn more about this disturbing possibility:

Dear, America: Do you really want “experts” from the U.K. making your health care decisions?

The Lancet‘s editors highly object to America’s current health care system, which they claim is “politici[z]ed, contentious, and tied to employment, income, and immigration status.” In other words, it needs to be “reformed” to be made “free” for everyone, including illegal aliens who do not even belong within our borders.

“In addition, President Trump’s isolationist and anti-scientific administration has de-prioriti[z]ed health and health care,” the op-ed adds.

The Lancet is especially upset about the fact that President Trump has decided to defund the World Health Organization (WHO). As the United Nation’s health agency’s biggest funder, the U.S. will no longer be sending over upwards of $450 million per year to keep the WHO up and running, which the Lancet believes is a huge mistake.

“Given the importance of the international leadership role of the U.S. in health and medicine, will you commit to returning as a fully participating member of multilateral health institutions, such as WHO?” the op-ed asks as a type of litmus test for the presidential candidates.

Joining communist China in chastising Trump for his “reckless decision” in withdrawing from the WHO, the Lancet is actually suggesting that the move is “unlawful” and will have “dire consequences,” which almost sounds like some kind of threat.

At the conclusion of the op-ed, the Lancet‘s British “experts” threw in another promotion for socialism, urging government agencies to seize more control over health care and medical research to ensure that the socialist agenda comes to full fruition.

“This is the same journal that lied about hydroxychloroquine, saying it was a dangerous drug for combating the Wuhan flu – a drug that has been around since 1949 and is deemed one of the safest drugs to take, until now,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter, noting the irony of the situation.

“The journal is now political and therefore, like anything tainted with bias, needs to be dismissed.”

For more related news about the upcoming presidential election, be sure to check out

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