September 20, 2024

Robert Scott Bell: The power of natural medicine and homeopathy is real – Brighteon.TV

The power of natural medicine and homeopathy is real, according to homeopathic practitioner Robert Scott Bell.

“The power of natural medicine is real but the power of homeopathy is also very real with 200 plus years of utilization,” said Bell during the April 18 episode of “The Robert Scott Bell Show” on Brighteon.TV.

“And even though it defies explanation for materialistic reductionist allopathic doctors, who believe that only toxic poison can help you — drugs approved by the fear and death administration — the reality is, we’ve had survivability and viability of medical interventions of a non-toxic variety that have caused people and animals to survive when they would not have ordinarily.”

Homeopathy is a medical science developed by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle that “like cures like” and it means that any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick.

This idea is also referred to as the “Law of Similars” and was understood by both Aristotle and Hippocrates and mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts. However, it was Hahnemann who turned it into a science of healing.

Bell, an author and expert in silver and copper therapeutics, noted that homeopathy was on the curriculum at all medical schools in the United States until the “bias” of the Flexner Report of 1910 came.

He said the Flexner Report, which was made by Abraham and Simon Flexner with the financial support of John D. Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation, was a preordained and commissioned report going around and surveying all the medical schools in the early 20th century to find out what they were teaching and what was on their curriculum.

According to Bell, that report led to schools that were teaching exclusively the use of patent and petrochemical medicines getting fully funded. All the other medical schools were relegated to quack status and defunded immediately.

The homeopathic practitioner said utilizing a number of homeopathic remedies can counteract snake venoms, including the outcome or manifestation of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) or post-jab injuries that are almost identical to the injuries caused by a snake venom.

Bell added that using homeopathic forms of the actual shots, including the ingredients in the shots, can bring a reversal of injury even for those that haven’t gotten the jab or are afraid of people that shed and spread it. Addressing the specific manifestations of what the symptoms of the disease are can help counteract it.

Liver is the main organ for detoxification

People who want to learn how to work with homeopathy on a clinical basis to address what ails them should start with the liver.

“The liver is the main organ for detoxification. Anytime you intoxicate the body with things that it can’t handle easily, the accumulation is on. And that will result in what inflammatory cascades in the body, inflammation which are designed to handle temporarily. But if it’s permanent and chronic that’s where we get to degradation and premature aging,” Bell explained.

“So counteracting all of these things, not only homeopathically, but by choosing better food, hydrating adequately and utilizing things that we know are antioxidants that neutralize oxidants that are harmful and inflammatory.”

Bell said understanding the role of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential fats and other things to counteract inflammatory toxicological burdens on the body have been ignored by people in the medical profession.

The Brighteon.TV host also talked about the importance of compassion for people that are genuinely afraid of COVID-19. He said the minds of the people have been poisoned into believing that they have no option other than to wear a mask and get vaccinated, among others, to avoid infection.

Bell, who previously called the Polymerase Chain Reaction test a scam, also mentioned that the Food and Drug Administration is now authorizing the use of a breath test called Inspect IR COVID-19 breathalyzer. (Related: Robert Scott Bell warns the discredited PCR test is being brought back to life – Brighteon.TV.)

Follow to know more about natural healing.

Watch the full April 18 episode of “The Robert Scott Bell Show” below. Catch new episodes of the program every Monday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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