September 20, 2024

Survival first aid: How to treat snake bites

Snakes are venomous creatures that pose a major threat to survivalists living off-grid. They slither in the grass or slink around tree branches in a most imperceptible way. Snakes usually attack only when provoked, but they tend to act aggressively and quickly. Therefore, it’s important to know the appropriate first-aid response to snake bites.

How to treat snake bites

Snake bites are deadly due to snake venom. This poisonous fluid is stored in the modified salivary glands of venomous snakes. It is composed of a combination of toxic proteins, enzymes and other molecules that work to destroy cells, disrupt nerve impulses or do both. When snake venom enters the bloodstream, it can cause paralysis, internal bleeding or death.

To prevent these, perform the following first-aid steps immediately: (h/t to

  1. Wash the wound using soap and water. Look for any broken teeth or dirt in the wound and remove them.
  2. If there is swelling around the bitten area, remove any items that cut off blood flow, such as jewelry and rings.
  3. Contact the relevant authorities or transport the patient immediately to the nearest medical facility that can deliver emergency care for snake bites.
  4. Try to identify or take a photo of the snake, but do so from a safe distance. Identifying the snake is necessary for emergency responders to administer the appropriate antivenom.

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