September 19, 2024

Rapid Fat Burn: Rowing Fat Blast Workout Routine

Rowing Fat Blast Workout Routine

Get Out of the Same Old Cardio Workout

There’s seriously nothing more boring than doing the same cardio routine over and over again right? Yet despite how repetitive it gets, we all know cardio is still an important part of our health and fitness program. It keeps our heart and lungs healthy, but it also burns a lot of calories.

Since you’re always on the lookout for a  new and exciting cardio routine we’ve designed a killer rowing routine to blast fat and get you totally fit.

Rowing Workout Routine to Blast Fat

For this workout, you’re going to run through each of these exercises in order. A stroke is one complete movement that starts by pushing with your legs, puling with your arms, and extending back fully before returning to starting position.

Side Rows – Start by holding the handle using an underhand grip with your right hand and an overhand grip with your left, turning the handle vertically so that your right hand is on the top. Then, as if rowing a boat, push back with your feet and pull the handle bar to your left hand side. Repeat 12 to 15 times on your left side, then switch your grip and do the same on the right.

Leg Presses – Start by sitting upright and with your back straight and knees bent. Adjust the resistance so that it’s a bit higher than average (about 75% of your maximum capacity). Slowly and in a controlled movement, push with your legs, extending backwards as you pull the handle bar back with you. Don’t lean back on this one – try to do the exercise with your legs only. Perform 20 to 30 reps.

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