September 20, 2024

Irresistible! Healthy 3-Ingredient Cookie Dough Bites

Healthy 3-Ingredient Cookie Dough Bites

A Simple Recipe to Soothe Your Cravings

This is one recipe you’re going to love if you like to keep it simple, they are totally irresistible! Best part is they’re great for helping to keep that sweet tooth in check.

All you need is about 5 minutes, and just 3 simple ingredients. But these little bites will satisfy pretty much every dietary need – they’re vegan, gluten-free, raw, and have pretty decent doses of protein, health fats, and antioxidants to support your healthy lifestyle.

And the best part? They taste amazing. Here’s the recipe…

3-Ingredient Cookie Dough Bite Recipe

This recipe makes about 15 tablespoon-sized cookie dough bites. You can easily double it or triple it for a bigger batch.


  • 1 cup of raw organic cashews (unsalted are best)
  • 1 cup of fresh dates (medjool dates preferably), pitted
  • 3 tablespoons of vegan dark chocolate chips or raw cacao nibs


Grab your blender or food processor, and blend the cashews on high-speed until they’re small and fine pieces. Add the dates and blend into the cashews, until they’re incorporated, stopping and stirring as needed (they might get stuck).

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