September 16, 2024

Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood tackle foundational health and stress management – Brighteon.TV

Doctors Mark and Michele Sherwood talked about the importance of foundational health and stress management during the Feb. 25 episode of “Sherwood TV” on Brighteon.TV.

Dr. Mark, a naturopathic doctor, said the pursuit of foundational health involves consistency, routine and predictability. It also requires a person to be diligent, organized and detailed.

“This is huge because you got to be organized and detailed or you’re going to get way, way, way off course. So in other words, when you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail,” said Dr. Mark, who emphasized the need to build on the seven pillars of health, namely nutrition, sleep, stress management, movement, genetics, hormones and peptides.

Dr. Mark, who has a full-time wellness-based medical practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma along with his wife Dr. Michele, said stress is one of the most overt killers of mankind right now and many don’t understand the idea of being stressed out.

“A lot of people end up with hypertension. They sometimes end up with high blood sugar that can result eventually in low blood sugar because of a sort of a crash of the adrenals. Adrenals just cannot keep up. So stress is massively important today,” said Dr. Mark, adding that it is important to define stress appropriately and recognize what the inappropriate definition of stress is. (Related: What stress does to you: learn to control your stress reaction type.)

Dr. Michele pointed out that “stress is an action you take in response to life’s expected or unexpected occurrences.” She added that many times a person doesn’t have control of stress but can only change how to respond or react to it.

A person’s life is full of stressors

Dr. Mark stated that life is full of stressors.

“I mean there’s a lot of stressors today. Life is full of completely overwhelming stressors right now. And we just got to realize that there’s going to be a bunch of those. And when we have a bunch of those stressors, it’s screaming at us. I mean, the news is full of these stressors,” he said.

Dr. Mark noted that stress can either be a scream in life or a call in life.

“Scream in life is designed to put fear in you, while a call in life is designed to put faith in you. Which one do you respond to? And how do you adapt?” said Dr. Mark, who co-authored several books with his wife.

“We think about this idea of stress. The point being is you make the call, you make the response. So allow stress to be controlled by you, based upon it not being a noun, but a verb. Therefore, our definition of stress is an action you take based upon a decision that you make in regard to life’s expected or unexpected occurrences. Therefore, stress is something that you can’t control because it’s no longer a noun but a verb.”

Dr. Michele added that people just need to rearrange their thinking because they can’t change what they don’t know or what they haven’t thought about and evaluated.

Physical, emotional and spiritual health are meant to be together

She also mentioned the overriding factors that make people sick or dysfunctional, such as their emotional health and spiritual health. Dr. Michele said when breakdowns happen in one of these areas, it can drive a person to develop all kinds of crazy behaviors, such as drinking, drugging, overeating, gambling and many others which she said are all self-destructive.

According to Dr. Mark, a person cannot pill, pray, exercise, supplement or hormone away a bad diet. He added that knowing the seven foundational pillars of health and linking them together with emotional and spiritual health will keep a person away from physical, emotional and spiritual problems in life.

Dr. Mark also pointed out that the physical, emotional and spiritual health of a person are meant to be together as the way the body operates.

More related stories:

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Watch the full Feb. 25 episode of “Sherwood TV” with Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood below. You can catch new episodes of “Sherwood TV” every Thursday at 7-8 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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