September 19, 2024

Boost your heart, brain and digestive health with rutin, an antioxidant flavonoid

Flavonoids like quercetin are well-known due to their health benefits, but other lesser-known flavonoids can also help boost your health and well-being.

Rutin (also known as rutoside) is an antioxidant flavonoid currently used in over 130 registered therapeutic medications. Despite its popularity as an ingredient for various medications, you probably have never heard of rutin.

Scientifically called quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, rutin is technically a quercetin molecule bound to a sugar molecule. Data suggests that rutin is a unique compound that offers many of the same health benefits as quercetin.

An increasing body of research highlights rutin’s impressive therapeutic and health-promoting benefits. Rutin helps support overall health and can also benefit the joints, as well as your circulatory and digestive systems.

Rutin boosts cardiovascular health

Natural healers have long used rutin to improve blood circulation. Current data suggests that the flavonoid can help support cardiovascular health.

Experts believe rutin helps strengthen and increase the flexibility of arteries and capillaries. It has been credited with antiplatelet activity, meaning rutin may help protect you against deep vein thrombosis, heart attack and stroke by reducing the tendency of blood to clump together and form dangerous clots.

Data suggests that rutin may help perform a “preemptive strike” on blood clots by blocking disulfide isomerase, an enzyme that can trigger thrombosis.

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